Good Ancestor Academy
Parenting & White Supremacy, a 90-Minute Good Ancestor Academy Masterclass taught by Layla Saad.
In this masterclass you will learn:
Why talking to kids about racism is so important, and so hard
How to get over the fear of talking with your kids about racism
What to talk about when you talk about race with your kids, and common mistakes to avoid
How to teach your kids how to practice anti-racism
This course is ideal for parents, grandparents, teachers and/or anyone involved in the nurturing of young children, adolescents, and teenagers. I first used many of these theories while teaching on the collegiate level, but now incorporate them into my parenting of a preschooler.
Exposing the Three Ps – Privilege, Prejudice, and Pride is a self-paced three-week online course that will push you past your comfort zone while helping you confront what’s holding you back from having the hard conversations around social justice issues. The course contains a downloadable workbook, weekly lessons, and access to a large community for support. Content drips out each week.
SHINE Talk for Kids
SHINE Talk for Kids: The Story.
If you’re raising children you need to be talking to them clearly and consistently about race, but perhaps you don’t know how. The SHINE Talk for Kids is a virtual 6 week program meant to give you the right tools to navigate these conversations with confidence as a parent.
Social Justice Parenting
Social Justice Parenting is a philosophy that is rooted in radical love and activism. Dr. Traci Baxley discusses new ideas in parenting for our current social climate that moves families away from fear-based parenting styles and also offers virtual workshops. Social Justice Parenting guides parents in raising independent, compassionate and socially conscious children.
The Conscious Kid
An education, research, and policy organization dedicated to equity and promoting healthy racial identity development in youth. The Conscious Kid supports organizations, families, and educators in taking action to disrupt racism in young children.